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Elevate Your Make-to-Order Business with ERP

make-to-order, door manufacturing

Make-to-order (MTO) manufacturers have much in common with companies that mass-produce merchandise. However, there are significant differences that are unique to MTO operations. A make-to-order manufacturing company must more closely manage complex product configurations and lead time variances. They often have more intricate cost management processes and utilize additional production methods within their custom manufacturing environment. All of these things add layers of complexity. Customization is king, efficiency is critical, and profitability is vital in modern, MTO manufacturing. The…


Selecting the Right Product Configurator for Make-to-Order

door selection options illustrating product configurator

If your company creates custom or semi-custom products designed to dazzle customers, then you’ve surely come across the term “product configurator.” Whether you’re a seasoned operations guru or a tech-savvy finance whiz, this article is for you. We’ll dive into eight areas to help you understand the various product configurator tools. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be ready to choose the ideal product configurator tool for your enterprise. Examine a Product Configurator Across These 8 Areas Just as there…


CAD + ERP = Better CPQ for Custom Manufacturing

woman looking at CAD drawings of furniture on her computer demonstrating CPQ for custom manufacturing

In the competitive world of custom manufacturing, combining CAD tools with your ERP system is a move toward greater efficiency and accuracy. Integrating 3D modeling and CAD with your manufacturing ERP software can give your company a significant advantage. This is especially true for configuring, pricing, and quoting … or CPQ for custom manufacturing and specialized product offerings. This article explores the benefits of integrating 3D modeling as part of a CPQ for custom manufacturing. Connecting CAD programs directly…


The Evolution of Configurator Software for Manufacturing Complex Products

woman using configurator software for manufacturing to order sofa

Product configuration software has evolved significantly over the years, enabling manufacturers of discrete products to efficiently offer customization options to their customers. In this post, we’ll explore the key stages in the evolution of configurator software for manufacturing complex products so you can choose the tool that’s best for your operation.


9 Ways CPQ Software for Manufacturing will Transform Your Business

Letters CPQ software for manufacturing cabinets and furniture with colorful wooden background.

Delivering accurate pricing and delivery estimates are vital components of a successful business. That’s especially true if you make custom kitchen and bath cabinets, furniture, or other build-to-order, configured products. Fortunately, an ERP that includes CPQ software for manufacturing operations may be the key to unlocking growth for your business. What is CPQ? CPQ stands for Configure-Price-Quote. CPQ is an essential component of the custom manufacturing process. CPQ software for manufacturing streamlines the configuration and pricing of customized products,…


The Power of Custom: How an Online Product Configurator Transforms Cabinet Manufacturing

hand using an online product configurator to select cabinet finish in a virtual kitchen

If you’re in the business of manufacturing customizable kitchen and bath cabinets, you can only stay in business by keeping your dealers and customers happy. That means being able to provide them with exactly what they want. Enterprise software helps. But an ERP with an online product configurator that is part of your enterprise software can be a game-changer for your business!