Made-to-Order Product Ordering. Perfected.
Today’s manufacturers of custom products need intuitive, flexible quoting and ordering tools for both dealers and customers. By pairing Friedman Corporation’s Frontier ERP solution with PriceWeber’s web development expertise, your team will be able to deliver solutions that drive sales, reduce errors, and delight your users. As a Friedman Platinum Development Partner, you can trust our team to provide a web service front end exactly to your liking.
We Specialize in Custom User-Centric Experiences.
With over 50 years of experience working with manufacturing clients on marketing and technology projects, we understand dealers and customers. As a platinum development partner for Friedman’s Frontier ERP, we also understand the unique capabilities and needs of your CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) applications. We leverage this knowledge along with insights gathered from a robust discovery process so that we can design and build an ordering experience that your customers and dealers will love.
Leverage Shared Configuration Logic and Pricing Capabilities of Frontier ERP.
Scattered configuration logic and duplicate data entry destroy efficiency and lead to increased errors. Frontier eWebServices allows your developers to leverage the power of Frontier within another application. Your dealers and customers will love real-time pricing and order status, while your internal teams will love only having to maintain configuration logic and pricing in one place.
Deploy Anywhere Using Standard Hosting Technologies.
Because Frontier eWebServices is an API, PriceWeber’s development team can utilize industry-standard frameworks and technology giving you maximum flexibility to deploy anywhere including on-premises, Amazon Web Services, and Azure.
Let PriceWeber help you build a business case to implement Frontier’s eWebServices and a custom application to allow easy, frictionless ordering.