+1 847 948-7180 sales@friedmancorp.com

About the Frontier User Group


Membership in the Friedman User Group helps maximize the productivity of your Friedman Frontier system software and ensures your software investment for the future. For more information, read the FAQs.

History and Purpose

The Friedman Frontier User Group was founded in 1989 to provide a support network for system users, and to generate a cooperative environment with Friedman Corporation for the continued development and enhancement of Friedman Frontier software applications and services. The Friedman User Group aims to create an ongoing forum for education, discussion and problem solving through its meetings, publications, and services.

Member Involvement

The Friedman Frontier User Group gives its members a strong voice in the direction and enhancement of Friedman system software and services. It also provides a wide range of business and personal benefits, including:

  • Access to the ideas, challenges, and experiences of hundreds of other Friedman system users.
  • Converge conference every other year — tailored to your informational and educational needs and centered on your business concerns.
  • Ongoing webinars and tech talks to ensure you get the most from your investment.
  • Special-interest groups focused on the needs of a specific industry, application area, or geographic region.
  • A complete membership directory to provide information for networking with other users sharing your business needs and interests as they relate to Friedman Frontier software.

For more information, read the FAQs.