+1 847 948-7180 sales@friedmancorp.com

Raz-Lee Security Solutions for Frontier ERP


Comprehensive IBM i compliance, auditing, and security solutions

Founded in 1983, Raz-Lee Security is one of the world’s leading independent cybersecurity and compliance solutions providers for IBM i servers (AS/400). They deliver the highest level of threat visibility and protection, including comprehensive solutions that allow organizations to comply with global regulations such as GDPR, PCI, and SOX.

Raz-Lee’s flagship iSecurity suite guards organizations against insider threats and unauthorized external access to business-critical information hosted on their IBM i. Their cutting-edge solutions have revolutionized analysis and fortification of IBM i servers. They build solutions that work with other companies’ technologies allowing organizations to monitor IBM i activity via SIEM or DAM dashboards.

Raz-Lee’s flagship iSecurity suite guards organizations against insider threats and unauthorized external access to business-critical information hosted on their IBM i. Their cutting-edge solutions have revolutionized analysis and fortification of IBM i servers. They build solutions that work with other companies’ technologies allowing organizations to monitor IBM i activity via SIEM or DAM dashboards.


Raz-Lee Security is recognized as an industry leader in IBM i security and productivity tools. Their iSecurity suite includes over 20 individual products, securing companies’ IBM i servers, as well as their business-critical databases.

Raz-Lee also provides a line of products for developers to maximize their productivity.


Auditing & Response

iSecurity Auditing and Response products help companies meet their IBM i auditing requirements by providing best-in-class monitoring and reporting solutions that secure their business-critical databases.

  • Audit: Real-time monitoring for QAUDJRN, QIPFILTER, QIPNAT, QACGJRN, QQOS, QSNMP, QDSNX, QVPNQZMF, QHST user activity and more. Schedule reports and security status.
  • Capture: Audit by recording of 5250 screen activity for end-to-end audit trails with search and playback capabilities.
  • Change Tracker: Automatic tracking of changes to production libraries with the sources used to create the programs.
  • Compliance Manager: Stay in compliance. Plan, check, and set parameters and authorities of user profiles, native objects, and IFS.
  • Action: Proactive response in real-time to any security event by Email, SMS, Syslog, SNMP, and CL script processor.

Advanced Threat Protection 

Ransomware attacks on IBM i and viruses spread by the IFS require special attention. Such attacks damage companies to the extent that they have to seize their activities. iSecurity helps companies meet their IBM i security and regulatory requirements in this area.

  • Anti-Ransomware: Detects and isolates the threat and prevents it from damaging valuable data.
  • Antivirus: IFS virus checks and scans, native object integrity checks, alert by email and by Syslog.
  • Antivirus ICAP Client: Gives you the power to choose the antivirus database provider.

Authentication & Authorization

Each module in our comprehensive security solutions for IBM i is designed to work independently or collectively to secure remote access, control user authorities, and secure objects.


Secure data in Rest and data in Transit with Raz-Lee’s encryption solutions for IBM i. Enable the maximum security for your most valuable assets and comply with all the security policies thanks to their advanced encryption solutions.

  • Field Encryption: Column-level field encryption based on IBM’s FIELDPROC, encryption & tokenization.
  • PGP Encryption: Private and Public key technology for encrypting data files end-to-end.


Effective protection against any situation that could compromise security and reliability for IBM i. Native firewall solution to control every exit point, besides control for commands and updating files in software development environments.

  • Firewall: Network security, controlling Exit Points, Open DB’s and SSH. Rule wizards and graphical BI.
  • Command: Control validity of System and User commands and their parameters, per user, IP, time, etc.
  • Safe Update: Regulates update files in production libraries. It provides a new security layer.
  • Firewall: Network security, controlling exit points, Open DB’s and SSH. Rule Wizards and graphical BI.
  • Command: Control validity of System and User commands and their parameters, per user, IP, time, etc.
  • Safe Update: Regulates update files in production libraries. It provides a new security layer.

Evaluation, Reporting & Alerts

Raz-Lee has developed several evaluation, reporting, and alert solutions for assessing security risks, analyzing data, and presenting actionable information to help executives, managers, and other corporate end users make informed business decisions.

  • SIEM & DAM Support: Easy to define and integrate with IBM QRadar, Tivoli, RSA, ArcSight, and more.
  • Visualizer: Intuitive Graphical BI analysis of security data, supports “drill” to specific events.
  • Compliance Evaluator: Single view for network-wide PCI, site-defined compliance checks for multiple LPARS.
  • Assessment: Analyzes and scores IBM i security definitions, suggests corrections and solutions.
  • Authority Inspector: Works with IBM’s authority collection data. It reads, summarizes, and analyzes users.

Database Solutions

  • AP-Journal: Real-time DB activity including READ. Compares values by fields, alerts and reports.
  • DB-Gate: Standard native access to Oracle, MSSQL/MySQL, from STRSQL, RPG, COBOL.
  • FileScope: SOX-enabled file editor with UNDO capability and log record of changes.