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Sales Forecasting

Friedman Corporation provides alternative solutions to address the requirements an organization may have related to sales forecasting. Depending on the level of sophistication and forecasting techniques a company is interested in, either the Friedman Frontier ERP-based application or a partner product is available.

Frontier Sales Forecasting Supports:

  • Detailed tracking of historical product sales and usage to facilitate the calculation of expected future sales volumes
  • A monthly forecasting model, generated using exponential smoothing, trending and seasonality
  • Product line-based forecasts, with product-level forecasts generated based on historical usage or percentage-based planning Bills of Materials
  • A standard interface to the Demand Solutions Forecast Management application to provide advanced forecasting functionality supporting multiple forecasting models
  • Integration into the Frontier Material Planning application to leverage sales forecasts within the overall material planning process and automatically consume forecasts based on actual sales orders

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